Thursday, February 3, 2022

Tragic story offers something that connects with our humanity and kinship

Officers Painter (R) and Jefferson (L) were close friends

Officers John Painter and J.J. Jefferson were killed in the line of duty Tuesday, responding to a suspicious person report on the campus of Bridgewater College in western Virginia.

The suspect was captured alive and taken into custody.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Ever heard of Peleliu? Here's why it should mean something to you

Of late I've been reading, re-reading and listening to books about World War II, specifically the war in the Pacific, where, unlike the European theatre, the rules of the Geneva Convention were ignored. War itself is awful, brutal and a hellish thing, but even a cursory study of the war in the Pacific — waged in a series of attritional battles on tiny islands made of untenable topography — reveals unthinkable horrors. It left its brave survivors with a lifetime of nightmares.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Speaking of race: I broke the law 40 years ago, and my whiteness probably helped me get away with it ... now what?

he red and blue flashing lights cut through the darkness and scared the teenage hell out of us.

It was the middle of the night, well after midnight — probably after 2 in the morning, through the years have erased many of the details — and neither I nor my new friend had a valid reason to be where we were.

And neither of us had a valid driver’s license.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Wokeism meets the Second Amendment: Why did Yale kinda advocate for gun violence?


Yale School of Medicine

Academia gone mad.

No, seriously, this is borderline insanity.

It's bonkers, and highly disturbing … yet hardly shocking coming from an institution of higher learning.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The 60s called ... they said take that stupid mask off

Dr. Timothy Leary (New Yorker photo)

Yesterday I went to the drugstore and purposely didn't wear a mask. This was part defiance, part convenience.

I'm fully vaccinated, and growing tired of the charade of wearing a mask to make fearful people happy.

I got some dirty looks at the store, and maybe a few good-for-you looks, too. But when I got to the cashier, she was not happy.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Hate won't go away until you do this ...

Hate has always existed. It's nothing new.

It didn't begin with Donald Trump and it isn't going to end with Joe Biden. The notion that somehow hate speech and violence wasn't an issue prior to 2016 is delusional, and laughable if not so disconcerting.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Do this and win every time, guaranteed

I've got a secret. 

Keep this just between us, but uh, I know the secret to the perfect political strategy. 

It works every time, and it's remarkably simple.

Ready? Here it is: