Monday, March 22, 2021

Hate won't go away until you do this ...

Hate has always existed. It's nothing new.

It didn't begin with Donald Trump and it isn't going to end with Joe Biden. The notion that somehow hate speech and violence wasn't an issue prior to 2016 is delusional, and laughable if not so disconcerting.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Do this and win every time, guaranteed

I've got a secret. 

Keep this just between us, but uh, I know the secret to the perfect political strategy. 

It works every time, and it's remarkably simple.

Ready? Here it is:

Monday, March 1, 2021

Why LeBron must've missed some homework

Say this for LeBron James: If he’s not the greatest athlete walking the face of the Earth, he’s on the short list. And in keeping with someone so gifted, he’s got elite-level chutzpah.

Elite level.

If you’re expecting one of those “shut up and dribble” columns, wherein a writer demands a politically-active athlete to mute his or her opinions and simply play ball, keep searching. This isn’t what you’re looking for.