Monday, January 30, 2017

Unless your action matches your words, this is what hypocrisy looks like

My concern is that these comments will get twisted, because on a few of my recent social media posts, my friends appear to have allowed their reactions to get ahead of their brains. So, please, open your eyes and your minds and try to contain whatever hair-trigger overreactions you might be dealing with at this time.

I am in no way a "Trump guy." I don't like him and I think he's potentially very, very dangerous. On the other hand, I'd much prefer that he succeed as President rather than fail.

Hopefully you're still reading and not overreacting, because here comes the voice of reason regarding Hollywood, protests and politics:

  • I feel like my b.s. detector is well tuned, so when I hear Hollywood types referencing their deep love for ALL mankind; their shock at ALL injustice and abject sadness at ALL forms of prejudice, I absolutely do not believe them. 
  • When I hear protesters claiming that they are marching for ALL women, or that they're protesting on behalf of ALL those who are downtrodden ⎼ whose voices cannot or will not be heard ⎼ I do not believe them. 
  • See, actions carry more weight and meaning than mere words. Talk, as they say, is cheap. So don't tell me you hate discrimination, then go out and openly discriminate against those who don't see the world exactly as you do. 
  • Don't tell me how much you care about your fellow man, then scoff, mock, diminish and bully those whose opinions are not in line with yours. 
  • Don't tell me you believe in inclusion and acceptance, then marginalize and scorn those whose beliefs differ from yours. 
  • If you see injustice, speak out. It's your right. 
  • If you are offended that actual human beings are being banned and discriminated against because of WHAT they are as opposed to WHO they are, protest and make sure your voice is heard. It's your right. 
  • If you think it's morally wrong to reduce a human being to a single word like, "Muslim" or "Christian" or "Jew" or "Atheist," it's pretty hypocritical to then demean or objectify someone as a "conservative" or a "liberal," a "Democrat" or a "Republican," "Pro Life" or "Pro Choice." It doesn't make sense to hate someone because you think they're full of hate. 
I do not pretend to believe a single blog and/or social media post can change the world, nor would I dare suppose that a single blog and/or social media post could even change another person's opinion. Certainly not in a day of such unprecedented national division.

All I'm trying to do here is simplify something that has become all too complicated: If you say you believe in loving your fellow man, then love them ... all of them, even the ones whose opinions aren't the same as yours. Nobody is saying you have to agree with everyone else. But if you disagree, be civil and understanding. Have a dialog. Be willing to not only hear, but listen.

On the other hand, if you truly believe it's okay to hate someone because of what they believe ⎼ if you think it's okay to threaten, injure, shoot, kill or blow up someone because your beliefs are morally superior than theirs ⎼ keep words like "love" and "respect" and "acceptance" and "fairness" out of your mouth.

Don't tell me what democracy looks like while you're showing me what hypocrisy looks like.

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