Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey shows America is far from broken


America is not without its faults, obviously. Still, I'm always amazed by two facts: 1. American citizens -- regardless of race, religion, political affiliation etc. -- will always be quick to selflessly help their neighbors in a time of crisis; it's just who we are. 2. As time passes, we tend to forget our benevolence. As we lose our humanity, we give space to negativity, hate and victimhood. 

Part of what has always made America great (long before Obama, Trump or any other modern president came along) is the freedom we share. As the expression goes, “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

In the days leading up to the devastation left by Hurricane Harvey, the United States was awash in rhetoric and rancor. The partisanship was suffocating. Protests weren’t peaceful, and rather than take part in the exchange of ideas, violent voices spat out threats. We had stopped listening to each other. 

And then came Harvey. Although no right thinking person would ever wish such devastation on another, one positive takeaway has been the sight of Americans coming together to serve and support one another, regardless of their differences. The images we see and the powerful stories we hear resonate in our authentic American hearts. 

Associated Press
I would not deny a person’s right to protest during the National Anthem. I don’t like it, but I respect their right do so. As for me, although I do see ares in need of improvement, I choose to see America for its unity … its humanity. 

Yes, others may still want to take a knee as the Star Spangled Banner plays, but for me, I’d encourage everyone to stand a little taller.

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