Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Just remember, our flag and our National Anthem represent freedom for all

Having covered sports and sporting events most of my life, I've seen and heard the National Anthem played several hundred times, long before these NFL protests came along.

In almost every instance, I would see a few people standing straight, focused on the flag, hand over heart and singing the words. But I would also see lots more people just standing there, looking bored and definitely not focused on the flag. Sadly, in many ways the flag ceremony was becoming a bothersome little obstacle that needed to be negotiated before the game started.
I have never believed these player protests have been against the anthem, the flag or the military. I think that's what we were fed by traditional and social media, but it's just not true. I think some of these players are genuinely trying to make a statement about inequality and injustice. Although I may not agree with the protest, I respect their right to protest and speak freely.

I find it interesting that on either side of the issue there are a few people who feel passionately, while many more are just going along for the ride, feeling nothing at all. Personally, I would never chose to kneel for the National Anthem, but then again my perspective is uniquely my own, and I would never deny someone the right of free expression.

Make no mistake, seeing anyone -- millionaire jocks or regular folks like you and me -- taking a knee for the National Anthem bothers me. But ultimately, I'm not worried about those who know enough and care enough to feel a strong emotion (and are willing to act upon it for the greater good). It's the mindless followers in the middle I'm concerned about.

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