Thursday, February 18, 2021

Like Trump, Limbaugh could be a bully and a jerk ... apparently you are, too

Reaction to Rush Limbaugh’s death Monday was as predictable as an eastern sunrise. Why, given the divisive nature of America in 2021 and the unsettling totalitarian bent of social media, would anyone expect anything different?

Honestly, did you expect Twitter or Facebook or anyone in the neo-Leftist universe to respond with dignity to the passing of a broadcasting legend? Did you expect even a modicum of respect toward Limbaugh’s family?

Did you expect evenhandedness from Leftist talking heads on cable television and other media outlets?

Of course not.

Look, I am not hear to extol Rush Limbaugh’s beliefs or the way in which he ran his famed radio program. Truthfully, I’d have to say my political views are far more centrist than his. But my father, he was a Limbaugh man. He loved the show and listened to it often. I remember, specifically, a time when I was in my 20s, when my dad and I were in his car together. Dad had Rush’s show on the radio, and I listened for a while. I was much more offended by some of Limbaugh’s schtick than I was his political commentary, and I explained that to my father.

Dad didn’t call me a communist or anything like that, but the look on his face said, “No wonder you’re going into journalism.”

Rush Limbaugh had that effect on people, which no doubt explains the popularity of his show. You either liked him or you didn’t. My dad liked him; I didn’t.

But I’ve digressed away from my point, which is to call b.s. on the Leftist media and the numerous others who took to social media Monday to essentially celebrate Limbaugh’s death. To dance on his grave.

First off, I’ll note the obvious here: celebrating or mocking or simply laughing at the death of another human being is a really bad look. It’s infantile and classless. Karmically, it’s simply uncool.

Secondly, if you’re a person who virtual-signals his or her devotion to humanist causes; if you, for example, lament deeply the separation of immigrant children from their families, but you still found room in your loving heart to send a social media message with a “rest in piss Rush” hashtag, well, you’re the very definition of a hypocrite.

Thirdly, if you hate Donald Trump because he was a mean, obnoxious, rude, heartless, vindictive egomaniac, well, you are exactly what you hate.

And doesn’t that bother you, just a little?

Do you care that you are full of crap and can’t really be taken seriously?

My guess is, no, you probably don’t care.

My guess is, you’re able to justify you vitriol by noting (factually, I might add) that Limbaugh was guilty of mocking people dying of AIDS, or that he made fun of celebrities, like Michael J. Fox, with illnesses and handicaps. My guess is, you felt he was deplorable and therefor unworthy of your grace or dignity.

I’m not here to talk you off any of those points. You have a right to your feelings, just as anyone does. But in my mind it all comes back to hollow virtual-signaling. Simply put, do not tell me about all the ways you stand against hate, then participate in it.

Don’t tell me your path winds through the high road, then slog through the mud on social media. That sort of rationalism and cognitive dissonance makes you either sick, stupid or seriously self absorbed.

Gandhi, you ain't.

I mean, your wrongness on this point is mind-boggling. Stop selling yourself as a humanist or somebody who cares about people. You don't care about people, you care about silencing opposing voices through censorship, mockery and lies.

And, truly, if you had a laugh or a giggle or exchanged a high-five with someone over Limbaugh's death and his family's suffering today, you have no right to call yourself a Liberal or a Leftist in any way. I mean, I guess you have the right to say it, but you damn sure don't understand it even though you're, like, super smart and all. The sad truth of it is, if you actually think that way — regardless of how you felt about Limbaugh as a person — you are much more closely aligned with a white, Conservative Southerner, circa 1950, than a Liberal Democrat of that same era and beyond.

Don't believe me? Pick up a history book … and not just to throw it in a fire.

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